Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hair on my head is long? Hair on my body is short? WHY?

Hair on my head is long? Hair on my body is short? WHY?

Have you ever said “my hair gets to a certain length and it just doesn’t seem to grow any longer”. Well its true… sort of. Your hair doesn’t stop growing it just reaches a certain length and then falls out then replaces itself.

Have you ever said to your girlfriends “your hair grows so much faster than mine” This one is true!!! Your hair is made from harden keratin, similar to your skin and nails. Hair grows from the base of the follicle which has a cell that produces the hair. In some people these cells work faster than others. So bad news, your girlfriend’s hair does grow faster! Good news, you can keep the condition of your hair healthy by having a good diet, exercise and not smoking.

Now for the interesting stuff!

All hair has 3 stages of growth,
Anagen – growing stage. 85% of hair
Catagen – in limbo, the hair doesn’t grow. 1% of hair
Telogen – hair detaches and falls out while making a new hair. 14%

Did you know each hair follicle has up to three hairs in it? Each in different stages. One being produced in the follicle, one planted firmly in the follicle and one about to fall out.

Some hairs go through this process quicker or slower than others. For example, an eyelash lives for an average or 150 days before it falls out. Therefore the hair on your head can grow longer as it lives for 4 – 8 years in the anagen stage.

And even more interesting!

Eyelashes. trunk, and extremities grow on average for 1 to 6 months. Where the your hair on your head is 4-8 years. Big difference hey?

But does the hair grow at different speeds? Yep and that explains why I have to wax my underarms more often than my Brazilian!

Average grows rate:
Scalp 0.44 mm p/day
Temple 0.39 mm p/day
Coarse body hairs 0.27 mm p/day
Eyebrows 0.15 mm p/day
Mustaches (beards or whiskers) 0.4 mm p/day
Armpit hairs 0.3 mm p/day
Pubic hairs 0.2 mm p/day

Now you know why your hair on your head grows longer than the hair on your body.

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